On Prose

I am not a very eloquent writer, and when it comes to the process, there’s a lot I struggle to explain. I’ve been doing this for so long that a lot of it comes down to instinct–I write something because I know what I’m trying to express, or maybe I’m don’t but I’m reaching for …

On Editing

One of the things I learned over the last couple of years is that editing, like writing, can be a mysterious process for some people. Lots talk about it, but plenty don’t seem to have any clue what it entails. I’ve gotten the sense from some that they think that editing is like a fresh …

Writers: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Fellow writers are some of our worst enemies. I remember way back when I decided I was going to stop writing Watership Down fanfiction, over 13 years ago. I wrote a 150,000 monstrosity that I later had the misfortune pleasure of turning into Jaeth’s Eye. I had not written original fiction for years leading up …

The Art of Writing

The fact that bad writing can sometimes make a lot of money used to offend me. “What!” my 17-year-old self once cried in outrage. “I could write better garbage than this! Where’s *my* mansion and limo and things?” And then I would hear about great writers who die penniless and I would be filled with …