Epic Fantasy Ramblings: If You Love Your Writing, It’s Good Enough

Today, I’m going to be writing what will be my 12th novel (and yet another epic fantasy) since I first stopped treating my writing like a test of my worth. As I’ve talked about before, my decision to self-publish was the beginning of my resolve not to put my future in somebody else’s hands. I …


“Gigil” is one of those Tagalog words that doesn’t have an exact English equivalent. It’s a state of excitement on the edge of frustration, very much like the idiom “champing at the bit.” I used to talk about finishing books like I was slaying a dragon. Books were something I had to defeat. Something that …

When a Writer’s Restlessness is a Good Thing

A common question authors get asked is “Which of your characters are most like you?” If you’re a smart author, you would’ve probably tried to avoid making a character TOO much like you and relied on your talent and skill to come up with some great, original characters (or, if you’re smarter, you would’ve used …