Thoughts on Writing While Working On The Ikessar Falcon

By the time this blog post rolls out, and if I’m still alive and/or kept to my schedule like I’m supposed to, I should be nearing the halfway point of The Ikessar Falcon, Book 2 of Annals of the Bitch Queen. Right now, I’m only about 5k words in. Which isn’t a lot, but I only …

The Need to Express vs. The Fear of Being Misunderstood

One of the scariest things about being a writer is that you have to create something that inevitably, somebody will misunderstand. This has never been more clear to me than when my husband was beta-reading my books. He can be downright critical about some of the character choices, even after I explain them to him in person. …

Self Doubt, Link to an Old Blog Post, Something About Spoons

I‘m rehashing. I’m being a rehasher. It’s a long weekend and I’m suffering from artistic withdrawal. This is a thing now. It’s a bad side effect of training yourself to meet word counts every day. Some of my friends liken the effect of a “writing day” to a drug. It’s that bad. So I’m twiddling …

Writerly Thoughts — On Ego, and Friendship, and Everything In-between

First things first: release day was a blast. And if you haven’t picked up The Agartes Epilogues trilogy over at for $2.99, there’s still time (if you want, that is. You don’t have to.) I found this article last night that I thought was worth sharing: “If you’re a writer or artist or creative person and your work …

Sume alon gar Kaggawa and the Dilemma of Creating a Fantasy Heroine

I try to stay away from feminist conversations. Not because I don’t have my own set of opinions about the whole situation, but because I’m not educated enough about the various terminologies to accurately portray what I’m trying to say (which more or less comes down to “people can be whoever they want to be”). I know …