Safety Nets

Sometimes when people talk about the difference between growing up “not rich” and growing up “poor”, my mind wanders towards the whole idea behind safety nets. I’ve been cleaning the basement out lately, which includes rearranging stuff in the crawlspace/storage area. Which means I’ve found a few boxes we haven’t unpacked since moving back here …

Guest Post by Steve Thomas: Kay’s Books Are Sad. Read Mine Instead.

Kay’s Books Are Sad. Read Mine Instead. “Hi. I’m Steve Thomas. You might recognize me from tormenting Kay in social media or, if I’m lucky, from my comic fantasy books. When Kay invited me to write a guest post for her blog, my first thought was, “What do I have to say that her readers …

PoC Need More Nuanced Stories

I am Filipino. I come from a nation colonized since its inception. My people went through three waves of invaders, one after another, before we found freedom hundreds and hundreds of years later. This history has ensured an imbalance–the people in power are corrupt, many with families who have acquired their wealth by taking advantage …

Hard Truths: Self-Publishing is Pay to Play

We’ve been having more conversations about privilege lately, and I’ve had a lot of thoughts about it when it comes to self-publishing. It’s no question that you need a professional product if you’re going down this road. You need proper covers, proper editing, proper typography, etc. I knew that coming in. After years of living …