Spring Is Here

I had a wonderful walk back to my parents’ townhome–where my kids sometimes stay–this afternoon from work. It’s a nice area, close to Burke Mountain near Port Coquitlam–the developments incorporate some nice trails and keep a lot of the woodland instead of just razing it all away. So I get close to one of the …

The Agartes Epilogues: Behind the Scenes

To celebrate the end of our Goodreads Giveaway, we have a brand new page up on World Tree Publishing. You can learn more about the world in Agartes Epilogues, read deleted scenes, and other random snippets. http://www.worldtreepublishing.com/jaethseyebehindthescenes.xhtml Learn more about World Tree Publishing here: http://www.worldtreepublishing.com/aboutus2.xhtml

Goodreads Giveaway! And Another Rant. I Need Better Titles.

A recent topic in my writing group involved our subconscious, and how writing stories sometimes feels like you know what you’re doing even if you don’t. Example: wondering how you’re going to pull off a deliciously complicated plot, going back to your manuscript to delete things (and burn your computer while you’re at it), and …

Look! An Update!

I have neglected this blog because through a variety of circumstances, we’ve delayed the release of Jaeth’s Eye again. I won’t offer a bunch of excuses because it really doesn’t matter–I’ve waited ten years to get this novel to this stage, and I don’t mind waiting a few extra weeks.