The World of The Agartes Epilogues: From a Journal Found in the Orasmus Peninsula

  Sixty-fifth day before Namalah’s Eve The baby is starting to move! I have never felt anything like this before. Soshain wants to name it Sky. I have to find a way to dissuade her. She can be incredibly stubborn if she puts her mind to it, but I will not have a Prince of …

The World of The Agartes Epilogues: Found in the Shoho Family Farmhouse in the Sougen Plains

Dear Sume, Kefier told me a little about himself the other day. He was born in Gorent and lived there for many years. For some reason, I thought he was born in Lon Basden. He is getting very good at speaking in Jinan. You’d think he was a member of our family! I can’t wait …

The World of The Agartes Epilogues: Found in a Trunk in the Shoho Family Farmhouse in the Sougen Plains

My Sister Sume, I had a bad dream about Mom the other night. Do you get them too? It must be so much worse for you, considering what you saw. But you were always so much stronger than me. If you get them at all, just remember that I’m still here and that together, we …