And My Elders Say I Don’t Listen…

There is something taught within Filipino culture that I’ve always found comfort in whenever I am confronted with life’s frustrations. “Ikaw na ang magparaya“–which loosely translates to, “You will have to be the one to tolerate.” You be the one to concede. You understand. To me, the general tone of it is that of acceptance, …

On Colonialism Research, and Own Voices, and Other Rambling

I‘m a quarter of the way through the First Act of my new series, which is set in a fantasy world inspired by colonial Philippines. (Don’t worry, Bitch Queen 3 is already finished, but I have to do something while I wait for edits). One of the most unpleasant, but necessary things I’ve had to …

An Elegy of Heroes: Monsters and Heroes

I‘m continuing with these posts promoting the relaunch of The Agartes Epilogues trilogy, entitled An Elegy of Heroes. Here’s yesterday’s post if you missed it.   The Kag Wilderness The nearly impenetrable forest borders most of the Kag, and is long thought to be the source of the monsters that plagued the southwestern parts of the continent. Now the monsters …

An Elegy of Heroes: Yn Garr Industries and the Boarshind

I‘m continuing with these posts promoting the relaunch of The Agartes Epilogues trilogy, entitled An Elegy of Heroes. Here’s yesterday’s post if you missed it. Today’s topic starts with Yn Garr Industries: the massive corporation that started from humble beginnings in the city-states of the Kag in rock quarrying, with a base in the city-state …