I’ve been very bad at keeping my ducks in a row lately… call it traditional publishing debut anxiety mixed with a predisposition to getting the worst of it out in WoW battlegrounds. I’ve totally neglected this blog–and not on purpose. If you missed the teaser trailer, here it is. Listen to it with your sound up.
My cousin San supplied the music track. We’re working on more stuff that we can hopefully release this year, so stay tuned. The house is just a den of artists and wild ideas right now, and I love it!
I’m also doing some cool swag giveaways for pre-orders of THE WOLF OF OREN-YARO. Simply email me proof of pre-order (screenshot of the order, etc., I’m not picky), let me know your mailing address and email, and I’ll send you a bookplate, bookmarks, the first chapter of THE IKESSAR FALCON, and a never-before seen short story set in the world of Jin-Sayeng!