The relaunch of The Agartes Epilogues omnibus is in two weeks, and so I thought I’d start off the new year with a few posts introducing this series once again. First up, I’m going to talk about one of the major POVs.
Meet Kefier, the outcast mercenary from whose POV the trilogy first unfolds. Young and impetuous, his part in his friend’s death throws his whole life into upheaval.

Kind, good-hearted, and generous at his core, his only desire is to find a place to belong. But as the series progresses, the peaceful life he once dreamed of seems to elude him at every turn. Violence trails after him like a shadow as people he once regarded as friends become enemies and he wanders into a war over a century in the making…
Once, cradling Rosha while trying to soothe her back to sleep, he had thought he would never kill again.