Writing Updates, etc.

I‘m about 13k words into my new book, The Ikessar Falcon (estimated completion at 150,000 words), which picks up exactly where The Wolf of Oren-yaro (which finished at 112,000 words and is currently in the hands of beta-readers) left off. Unlike The Wolf of Oren-yaro, where my daily word count (for six days a week) was closer …

My Scathing Review of Aina’s Breath

I said I wouldn’t do this but it’s just too much fun not to. My scathing review of Aina’s Breath, Book 2 of The Agartes Epilogues. Just when you didn’t think Villoso was capable of writing any worse, she *does it again*. Aina’s Breath starts off with a prologue that’s completely unrelated to the previous brain …

Self Doubt, Link to an Old Blog Post, Something About Spoons

I‘m rehashing. I’m being a rehasher. It’s a long weekend and I’m suffering from artistic withdrawal. This is a thing now. It’s a bad side effect of training yourself to meet word counts every day. Some of my friends liken the effect of a “writing day” to a drug. It’s that bad. So I’m twiddling …