I‘ve been busy the past couple of days working on the final map to be included in Sapphire’s Flight. Just a sneak peek (still a lot to be done):
I’ve actually been putting off on drawing this map just because of how large and complex the Empire of Dageis is. Ironically, it is the first nation in The Agartes Epilogues that I created.
I like drawing maps. Having a background in Civil Engineering Technology has helped a lot with the technical aspects of it. One of the challenges for me is that I worldbuild organically–the manuscript often creates places and situations on the spot, which I later have to work a map around. This is why I don’t like creating the map first and then trying to work a story into it. I’ve found that I end up making a bland map with very little features.
The Agartes Epilogues has a huge, huge world, I have to admit, and I’ve barely touched the surface of all the stories I want to tell or places I want to explore.
Read about the Battle of the Cartographers in The Agartes Epilogues…nah, I’m kidding. But some builder does get his come-uppin’s.

Nice maps. Do you create them by hand? I use a program but these are inspiring.
I have a Wacom Intuos tablet and use the free program GIMP 🙂