We jump start our camping season on February during the Family Day long weekend, usually with a trip to Vancouver Island or the Sunshine Coast. The ferry rides add a nice break to all that driving and everywhere else is usually covered by snow at this time of the year, anyway. The coasts are usually clear, though we’ve had to try and dodge snow on occasion.
I love camping during this time of the year because I hate crowds. Most people start camping season during the May long weekend, when the sun is more predictable (and of course, this is when we stop car camping and start heading for the mountains). Camping during the winter is amazing: if you get a sunny day, it is absolutely gorgeous, with tolerable temperatures and really clear sunlight. There is usually a cloud or two in the sky, which makes for great landscape photography. I dislike taking landscape shots during midday in the summer simply because it is too bright and boring; if you want dramatic scenery, winter is your best bet.
So, this year, we decided to make our way to Ucluelet and Tofino, which boasts fantastic shorelines overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
We weren’t disappointed. I didn’t want to go to these places in the past because I am a little paranoid of the Big Quake and the threat of tsunamis along the western shores. I still wasn’t too comfortable staying there too long and refused to spend the night. But at least now we know where the evacuation routes are…
We ended up camping by the sea side north of Campbell River. While not as dramatic, I love this area because of the solitude it promises–most of the tourists are gone by Parksville or Qualicum Beach. Four years ago, we were still able to find a camping spot in this area during the August long weekend.
Do you like sarcasm, drama, and lots of talking before sword fights? Do you sometimes wish your epic fantasy had more feelings? Then please support my hungry brood and give The Agartes Epilogues a try! It’s like a soap opera with dragons!