I‘ve noticed that I tend to write about every day life or ideas instead of my actual writing process. The ‘why’ of the whole thing takes precedence over the ‘how’.
Lots of writers seem in love with the ‘how’, like the way they write is somehow special or more important than the way this other guy does it. I really don’t know what to say about that. All I know is that when I try to write posts like that, I get bored, which means the reader will probably get bored. I’m assuming nobody reads them.
Hey, I could be wrong.
About a couple of years ago, one of my dearest friends got us into the whole Myers-Briggs personality types and I learned that I was an INFJ. Which explained why I am always so scatter-brained. My writing is no different. I do outlines, but I tend to view them as the beginning of ideas rather than concrete guidelines. In short: I have no control over my world. So I don’t like talking about my writing as if I’m somehow special for having come up with it.
Trust me, I have no fucking idea.
I’ve talked before about how I am often just as surprised as the reader. I’m merely exploring and reporting. I’ve tried to control my writing before and it never works out (probably because I’m an INFJ and totally incapable of walking in a straight line, or drawing straight lines, or doing…anything…in a straight line).
Outside of this blog, and with the exception of a few, kind souls who always seem enthusiastic to listen to me blather on about writing even though I know watching paint dry might be more interesting, I HATE saying “I’m a writer”. Reason number one: the usual response is, “Ooooh, what do you write about?”, a thing I hate explaining. Number two, and I say this lightly, but there seems to be the common trend with a lot of people where they glorify the status of being a writer because it implies intelligence, creativity, and wit, as opposed to a confused, lonely fuck who is just trying to figure out the truth.
I dunno. This is all just my opinion.
Do you like sarcasm, drama, and lots of talking before sword fights? Do you sometimes wish your epic fantasy had more feelings? Then please support my hungry brood and give The Agartes Epilogues a try! It’s like a soap opera with dragons!