And what a year this has been. The years before–2012, 2013, and 2014 in particular–went by really fast, but this one has been a slow crawl. Some days I wake up feeling like a slug.
It’s getting really cold and we’ve been sleeping on a futon in my parents’ basement since March. For a while, it had a frame, but my back started complaining so now the thing is on the floor. Not sure if we’ve blown the build budget so out of proportion but there’s a chance we won’t be able to buy a new bed when we move back in, so we’ll probably continue using the futon.It’s nice. I LIKE sleeping close to the floor. When I was little, we moved into this really tiny house and for a couple of years would set out ‘banig’ mats at night to sleep in. The futon is actually pretty comfortable; it’s just a bit annoying sharing the same room space with our puppy Regan, who likes to eat everything she can get her teeth on.
Also, she likes to sit on faces.

Anyway, as of now our house’s drywall is going up and they’re continuing to work on the siding. I don’t know if we will be able to move in by December as planned, but the goal is to TRY.
I am particularly excited about the room I am calling the ‘library’ and which my husband calls ‘my office’ which he then proceeded to tell everyone, including the trades, so that they now refer to it as ‘her library’.
This is where I will be working on my writing from most of the time. It is actually a rather small area, barely big enough for a wall of shelves and a couple of desks. But I am particularly excited about that balcony you can see behind the tree there (we have to cut the tree down at some point because it’s dying). Originally, it was supposed to be a small area where I can walk out and clear my head space, but our architect went a little crazy.
It now sports these massive fir beams and columns and a roof with soffits. Also, I didn’t realize it when we were designing, but it overlooks the creek. It is an excellent place to nap in; I am starting to realize that very little writing might get done in the nice, warm, summer months…
Do you like sarcasm, drama, and lots of talking before sword fights? Do you sometimes wish your epic fantasy had more feelings? Then please support my hungry brood and give The Agartes Epilogues a try! It’s like a soap opera with dragons!