We just updated the World Tree website. Take a look! Now you can see what’s been keeping us busy.
And also, there you go, a sneak peek of my new book, Birthplace. Which, I know isn’t the sequel to Jaeth’s Eye yet–that’s coming up soon as well, though.
I wrote this one in 2010 and have only recently polished it up for publishing. I think it is a fun little adventure, more of a light read than Jaeth’s Eye, with the sort of main character you either love or hate. Check out the excerpt below!
Rachel Ann was standing outside the school gates as I came up the rocky path. She was surrounded by about three or four boys (one might have been a bystander), and none of them looked cheerful (except maybe the bystander, but he had one of those faces). I recognized the tall one as her latest boyfriend. They had started going out a few weeks ago and it was all I could do not to puke every time I had to watch them make fluttery eyes or play tongue-tag with each other. The worst part about having a girl best friend is when she describes her new flame to you—and believe me, she is going to want to discuss him. You feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a giant poster of some muscular, naked man.
Oh Pablo, he kisses so well.
Oh Pablo, his eyes are so dreamy and he uses conditioner so his hair is so smooth.
Oh Pablo, he is so romantic.
He wasn’t looking very romantic now. He’s pissed about something. I couldn’t tell what, exactly, but I could surmise. Rachel Ann had been my best friend since she first upended a plate of spaghetti on my head in third grade. I couldn’t remember why she’d done it—I’d assumed over the years it was her basic personality, although she still insists it was because I called her fat. Knowing me, I must have.
“Will you stop being a bitch?” Mark yelled, reaching out to grab her wrist.
“Don’t you dare do that!” she warned, just as I came within sight of them. He said something unintelligible and reached out to slap her.
You’d think I was going to step in, right, like some knight in shining armour? And ruin such perfectly good entertainment? Are you kidding me?
Do you like sarcasm, drama, and lots of talking before sword fights? Do you sometimes wish your epic fantasy had more feelings? Then please support my hungry brood and give The Agartes Epilogues a try! It’s like a soap opera with dragons!