I had a wonderful walk back to my parents’ townhome–where my kids sometimes stay–this afternoon from work. It’s a nice area, close to Burke Mountain near Port Coquitlam–the developments incorporate some nice trails and keep a lot of the woodland instead of just razing it all away.

So I get close to one of the trails, just soaking in the sun and enjoying the feel of being alive, when something catches my eye. From the distance, they looked like wrapped pieces of fruit hanging from the saplings.

I walk close up to one of them and realize: it’s dog poop. Plastic-wrapped pieces of dog poop that owners have lovingly hung up the branches. Why take the time to do that? If you were just going to litter, couldn’t you just throw the poop on the ground? In fact, why even bother picking the poop up at all? Just leave them on the ground for the bears and coyotes to eat, or for me to step on. And to have a whole *orchard* of these things…?
Yup, spring is finally in the air.