I try to do my writing in the wee hours of the morning or very, very late at night, to minimize the interruptions. Not to say that I can’t do any writing at all when my children are awake, but it will usually go something like this:
Me: *tippity tappity tap* (I have a mechanical keyboard, which makes for some glorious typing sounds)
My daughter: “Mommeeeeeeeeee!”
Me: *ignoring her, because there is an epiphany in my manuscript, or one of my characters just decided he was going to do his own thing*
My daughter: “Mommmeeeeeeeeeee! Come and see!”
Me: *grumbling while I get up to check on her*
My daughter: “LOOK! MY POOP IS GREEN! Say ‘ewww’!”
Me: *returns to my computer and makes a mental note to self not to let her eat so many blueberry cupcakes*
Precious, precious memories.